Issues and planned fixes

After play testing some more it has come to our attention that there are some empty bits of the game that can make it feel quite repetitive and boring, We've been brainstorming and coming up with cool and unique ideas for gameplay

Known Bugs/Issues:

  •  Certain endings don't work properly and leave you stranded in the level
  •  Not many spells/magic (Currently 2 usable)
  •  Screen tint makes screen too dark, easily fixable.
  •  Spelling errors, words going off screen.

We've been working very hard on making this game as good as possible, our mission is to put fun mechanics, fun gameplay, and a good story over everything!

most assets of now are merely just placeholder and will look much different in the future.

- BioPixel Interactive Founder,  OffishlDev.

Get Worlds Fall (Demo) RPG